Saturday 12 January 2013

Thing Are Different Now

I started to write this post in my Journalism class one day —the naughty boy I was, for I was supposed to be working on something else— and have not touched it since.  That was possibly back in October or November, and the note you see below seems to be foreshadowing what I my life has turned into now:
Odd feeling, shh, Journalism.
Starting something new, a different feeling in the air.  I don't know.
The reason I've been away, got too tied up in schoolwark, too sucked in.  Wanted to escape, but couldn't.  Had ambitions to return in the summer, but those were squashed with my job.
Started this, my last year in highschool, with high hopes, was very ambitious.  Then I hit a brick wall, could not make any progress in my life, was forced to turn inward and gaze upon myself
And when I finally did make the decision to turn inward and reflect upon my life up until this point, I was shaken by certain realizations that forced me to reshape the way I thought about myself and about my plans for the future.  My conscience chose to do so very quickly, so I had no other choice but to try to keep up.

I struggled with trying to come to terms with it all and I feel that it had almost cost me my life because of it.  It was a sink or swim battle that I could not afford to loose and I had to choose whether or not I was to fight, and stand a chance at living, or if I was to just let myself work deeper and deeper into my sorrow and let myself die.  I chose to fight.

That is the meaning behind the "starting of something new" and the essence of a "different feeling in the air."  I had to find some other direction to take my life in than that of the grave, and dwelling on my struggles wasn't going to help me achieve this at all.  So, I needed, very desperately, to find something else to distract me from my woes and draw attention away from my current situation.  I had all this extra energy bottled up inside of me, and instead of unleashing the front of it on myself, I decided that the better option for me was to  put down the knife and to ignore my procrastination in picking up the camera instead.

My new focus in life has become my YouTube channel and my hope is that it will prevent me from entering that state of depression and fear once again.

Friday 13 July 2012

Beginnings of Western Art: Stonehenge

Artists: Possibly created by pagan druids.  Evidence shows that it had undertaken various structural changes throughout its existence, undertaken by a number of different societies.  
Time period: (2000BC)

Location: English county of Wiltshire

Thanks to Wikipedia for this image!
Stonehenge is considered to be one of the British Isles' greatest landmarks.  What amazes people about it is its immense size for the time period in which it originates from.  Nothing before it was built with solid stones quite the size of those that compose much of the circular ring at Stonehenge.  It is a mystery as to how it was built, (for the most part) and there are several creation stories attributed to it.  One of such stories even suggests that aliens had a hand in lifting the stones for the druids, but, as to how creditable that theory is… Well, you could guess that there would be a great deal of speculation about such claims.

Interesting Facts:
Besides the fact that the stones are huge, they are actually constructed to be in-tune to the sun’s yearly patterns!  When the sun rises on the summer solstice (June 21), the light coming from the northeast shines its way past the heel stone, which sit outside of the main ring, through an archway, and lands directly on the altar stone close to the centre of the ring.  A similar thing happens upon the setting of the sun on the winter solstice.  How cool!

Some of the stones at Stonehenge came from Wales, which is more than 200 kilometers away!
Further Reading: 

This is the same video as the one that is listed in the "Further Reading" section above.  If you wish to watch the video directly from YouTube, then click on the link provided.  
I had to do a full-on assignment about Stonehenge: it's creation, modern significance, etc., for my grade 10 history class and after sifting through numerous web-sources and library books (yes, because there still are some of us left in the school systems that do such a primitive thing) I found this one to be the most helpful in my studies of the ancient, historical landmark.  
"Gee, I hope this helps!" -LEN 

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