So, I've been feeling pretty down on my luck this week. Oh, and no, its not anything serious, everything was good up until just now. You see, we started speeches, and its not that I hate them, because I don't, it's just that they're very stressful that's all. I have a bad history with speeches; I never really was very good at public speaking at any point in my life until just recently, but now that I have gotten much better about making conversation with people in general, I am still tainted with the residue of years past.
Back in grade eight I wrote a speech for my language arts class about the history of Nintendo, and ended up turning what should have been a four to five minute speech into a fourteen minute speech. Not fun. I don't think that my middle-school language arts teacher (who is actually my vice principal now) or me will ever forget. It was three months over-due and I squirmed in my seat every day in class that was the date I was supposed to present. My friends never did get to here about that one, eh?
I presented my speech after school that year to him alone, and because it was so long I missed my bus and he offered me a ride home. I was quiet almost the whole way, and it was not surprising because my parents always told me to never hitch a ride with anyone you don't know, and to me, I only knew that he taught me. He was a teacher, and there was nothing more I could say.

I guess that through trying to avoid a repeat of grade eight I have just brought on another downfall. I stayed home today, and today I was supposed to present. Rats. I find that I do that with a lot of different subjects this year. I've improved so much from where I was in middle school with handling schoolwork, that I try and make an effort to show it off. Reveal to the teachers just how much better I am at getting things in on time. But it sometimes makes me lie to myself, thinking that I could actually handle it all by myself. Working myself past twelve o'clock just to reach a due date is not my idea of having fun. I just break down. Get disjoint and out of place. It's not healthy.
But I am better. I know my limits, and am picking up the ques well. I know when I've had enough, and I've had enough.
As you can tell from my doodles, my other courses have suffered from the particular interest I'm dumping into English. In the past week I've gone from knowing everything that's going on in math to not having a clue what the teacher is talking about. Imaginary Numbers? Come again?
Through all of this though, I haven't given up on you, my dear viewers. I've been doing the odd sketch and photo here and there to help me keep sane. I am sane and I am going to school tomorrow too.
(If you don't recognize this little guy, then I suggest that you go take a look at my deviantART cute monster's design challenge t-shirt right away! I would make me feel a lot better...)
I've been thinking about making him my blogger mascot, so I really worked with him this week trying to draw him from all sorts of different angles. These aren't even half of the angles I tried to make him fit into! It's pretty tough, but skill building I guess. I still haven't even decided on a name yet. (Plue or Pooshmoo? How about Plue the Pooshmoon? Eh, what do I know...)
I had to post something to feel like I got something accomplished today... {Sigh}