Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Announcement: Serialization Begins

NO, WAIT!!!!!  Don't get all hyped up for nothing!  It's not one of my comics that's getting serialized in a magazine or anything (although I wish it were...), its my blog post here at Lonely Totem Pole!  

I've decided on a whim that I want to serialize some of my blog post: that is, that the bulk of my content will have some sort of progression within a theme.  The themes will be chosen based upon the time of year, events that happen in the news and what's going on in my life.  So, in a way, my blog will begin to reflect what's going on in the world around me and what you guys will see is how I come to internalize it.  To sum things up, its art.  (Will you soon come to understand that art functions in the same way in my upcoming series, hehe!)  

There are a number of contributing factors that have lead me to come to this kind of conclusion that I need to radicalize the way I do blogging or just abandon the whole idea, but I guess that the past couple weeks have been like hitting a brick wall for me.  Nothing seemed to be allowing me to do things in any sort of logical order, and I hate having that feeling that I'm not in control.  But I'm not here to complain to you all, if anything, you will get the just of how I felt last week when I publish some of my art that became products of my madness (some of the things I made really do scare me!)   Anyhow, I've been working my butt off at school with co-teaching Poetry alongside another student for three days straight and I feel wiped!  I am realizing now that there are a lot of school documents that could be serialized here and many of them actually fit into themes very well.  Hmm, I'm flexible (or at least I try to be) with my blog, and because I have no one telling me what I can and can't do with it, I really have no limits, however, I also don't have anyone setting deadlines with it, so there are many incidents where I don't post anything at all for long periods of time (over a week!) and that's not very good.  Not attractive at all.  So I have made myself a blogging calendar in hopes of clearing those messes up.  

I declare this month and the first of next to be "Fine Arts-Themed"  that is "art for the sake of art."  I have been getting behind lately in my assignments with my Fine Arts 110 online course and I feel that this would be a good way to spice things up and encourage me to keep going, pushing my way through the final stretch of highway, my destination being summer vacation.  You may see the regular sorts of posts in between, but I doubt that there'd be much extra.  Not until summer break at least.  (You may see me rant and complain every now and again, however...) 

This is a rough sketch of how it will be:
  • Mondays will be art interest days: this is where I will be reviewing works of art I personally find amusing or that I enjoy.  
  • Fridays will be art history days: this is where I we will explore art as it appeared throughout the ages (I'm kind of excited for this one!) It will be a journey you won't regret taking...
*One quick note before you go; as I am nearing the milestone of receiving my 1000th blogger view, I am now readying myself for the 'Big Shift' to YouTube.  If you follow me now, I hope that you will join me as I venture into new territory on the 'net (gosh, I sound like a Viking!)  Len, concur!  Len, destroy!  I know that it's nothing special for those of you who are already receiving a thousand views, daily, but for rookie like me, this is something really special!   

P.S. {I decided to throw in a picture of my cat so that it would catch your attention...
         If you are reading this, then I know it worked!} ~Harhar!!!

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