I can't believe the change in the colours of the leaves this week here in Atlantic Canada! (Yes, and I do mean colours and not colors; and for all of my American viewers out there, the proper Canadian spelling for the word is actually that.) It really is an eventful thing when the leaves begin to change, isn't it? I think that I would really miss it if I were living someplace else in the world where the changing of the seasons did not include the bright yellows, the vibrant oranges and the deep reds that cover the landscape every fall.
On top of the lovely scenery that we had this weekend, we were also blessed with fine weather. Temperature in the twenties for Thanksgiving?! What kind of trick of the senses is this? In any case, this presented me with the perfect opportunity to get some good sketching done; and so I did:
For this one I hauled a folding lawn chair across our back yard and plopped it down so that it was facing the field and the forest behind my house. I was actually a little saddened at first with the way how this one turned-out after I looked at how it appeared on the computer screen after I had scanned it, but now that I see it miniaturized in my post, I don't feel as bad about it and am actually quite content.
When I sketch, often times the pencil marks are so light that a great deal of them don't get picked up by the scanner. This is an example where that kind of thing happens to the image, but a simple change in the images resolution may just do the trick.
A funny thing happened while I was making this picture, my dog, who is sometimes at my side when I am doing these kind of drawings, suddenly got the notion that it would be a good Idea to sniff-out the largest pile of animal droppings in the field... and ROLL IN IT!!!!! Yipes! Yeah, I know, hilarious... but it wasn't for me at the time. It still cracks me up a little when I picture myself sitting peacefully in my lawn chair, thinking about how nice of a day it was, when all of a sudden... zoom! She didn't even gave me enough time to grab her before she began diving her way into it. (I swear it was large enough for her to do the back stroke through it!)
Chloe is a small dog, so it didn't take much for her to make it seen as though she were in a state of complete and total mess, and she wasn't aloud back inside of the house for a while, or at least until she was cleaned. My father and I gave her a bath, which is a routine thing for us now on the occasions that we let the dog run around the yard without the use of her tether. But, man! Was she ever smelly!
I had a good thanksgiving though, did you? I managed to keep myself busy with all of the family-visiting, trips to town and whatnot, but I wish I could say the same about my comic. I am a little stalled at the moment, that is not to say that nothing is getting done to it (I have worked out much of the plots beyond the pre-story legend that I am publishing to the internet now), but I usually have a page readily available to work on in the evenings after I come home from school. This week so far, no such page exists and I feel as though a massive void of discomfort has been added to my day. I should now make an initiative to empty that void of all its stresses and fill it full of the thing I feel most good about doing rate now, my comic.
*Just a little side-note, here. Although most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the forth Thursday in November, us Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on a different date, the second Monday in October! Neat hun? I think that it has something to do with fact that Canada is further away from the equator than the United States, and thus the harvest are more earlier in the year.
When I think of November, I don't picture pumpkins and scarecrows. For me, and many other Canadians, November means freshly fallen snow and the first taste of winter.
I sometimes find it interesting how the slight distance in our surroundings can change the way that we perceive common things in the world...
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