Good news people! Guess who has finished his second page? I did! (mumble mumble, weeks after the first one, mumble mumble) Nonetheless, it's done! It took me a far amount of effort to work my way through this one, but I can assure you that the amount of self-satisfaction I had received after having completed it was well worth it. The only question is, was it worth the wait for you guys? Silly Len, of course it was! (it's not like you have any real followers yet anyway...) I needn't remind myself about that now, do I?
While me and my parents have been able to have the joy of witnessing the completed second page in my comic, Knights of Mamus'sa, you people here on the internet community won't get to see the product until tomorrow. I'm sorry, but that's just the way things go.
On another note, I do plan on changing the process in which I complete my pages soon. Once I finally see that I am getting used to the system of work I have now, and become confident enough with the ink pens, I am moving foreword with my comic and will be advancing/quickening the amount of time it takes for me to produce a single page. My current way of working is to do things page by page; framing, penciling and inking, with sub-steps in-between. In the future, I have hopes of doing things in suits; drafting several pages, penciling several pages and inking several pages, but I can expect it to be I while before I am doing anything like that yet.
I know that I don't have a picture included with this post, but I did have much to say to you today.
Besides, you'll be getting something even better tomorrow!
Edit: Now posted! (View the results here!!! )
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