I wanted to keep as much of the stray
underlines as could with this. You can
really see how this was extracted from its
original 3D model & design. |
"That's right!" I wanted to kick off this Pokémon-themed week with a little doodling. And, who would be a better suit for that job than meowth? He's a classic anime character and a well known species among Pokémon fans, so, I said to myself "Eh, why not?"
I started off this week hoping that by the end of it (which is when I'm creating this) that I would have drawn my whole ideal Pokémon team, inked, coloured and featuring me as a Pokémon trainer, the whole works, but as time went on and nothing started happening (yes, I know I was procrastinating), realistically, I knew that I would just have to settle with something like this.
Meowth, believe it or not, really isn't my favourite Pokémon from the whole series. It's actually one really obscure one, as far as fandome goes, that holds my vote, and, if you weren't into Pokémon as a child, or have stopped following it since generation two, you probably wouldn't even recognize its name. Its Lombre.
Meowth's so awsome! It was even featured on
a special collectors' coin on the island of Niue
in the mid-pacific! Official mint. No jokes! |
Traditionally, since the first North American games (Red and Blue) I liked grass Pokémon, and so today, I still like grass Pokémon. So, it is unlikely that I will be changing any time soon. I also grew to love psychic Pokémon as well when they became more obtainable in the later games. However, the only psychic- and grass-type pokémon that exist in the series are two that are really rare and almost impossible to catch in the wild through normal means:
Exeggcute, its evolved form,
Exeggutor, and
Not to be dissing Exeggcute fans or nothing, but I kind of hated that pokémon back when I was in elementary. To tell you the truth, I thought it was pretty ugly... a downright disgrace to the first-gen world of Kanto. But, its
Pokémon Blue sprite didn't do it any justice. (Since when did an Exeggcute have an egg that large? It's a good three to four times bigger than the rest!) It's kind of funny now that I think of it, but I used to think that an Exeggcute was some kind of naked sumo wrestler with eyes all over its body and not just a group of eggs, that is, until I saw it on the show. I was relieved to learn this because every time I would battle one I used to get scared that my parents would see it or something and then take my Game Boy away! Ha ha! I somehow kind of wish I had one now though, now that I know the difference.
I made this one by using my other images as my only two references. It might be a bit miss- proportionate, but I loved working with the base 'skeleton' of this character in producing my own unique stance from a different level of perspective. |
Now that its been made obvious to you why I did not choose Exeggcute as my favourite pokémon, you are probably wondering, why
Lombre? Lombre statistically is not chose by many Pokémon fans as being their favourite. It is just not the lovable type; not one that most people would tend to gravitate towards, but I love him just the same. To me, Lombre's rad! Its colour scheme is great, and its just the right height of a Pokémon for me (3' 11''). I know I have strange tastes, but come on!
Who wouldn't love a pokémon like that? (It kind of reminds me of a DJing monkey-
kappa with a sombrero hat on...) Okay, wait. Never mind.
Only a face a mother would love. (sobs)
Meowth is one we can all agree on though, am I right? He may not be my
absolute favourite, but he is my choice from the 151 pokémon of the first generation of games. My love affair with
Meowth goes beyond its
prominent appearance in the anime, too. (Truthfully, I feel he has more brains and soul than his two accompaniments put together.) I loved to capture and raise a Meowth or two when playing Pokémon Blue, and I still wouldn't mind getting one on my team today.
Pictures of Meowth were based off the 3D models of the pokémon as it appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
for the Nintendo Wii gaming console. Credit to its original creator, and to the genius behind
many of the Pokémon Franchise's character and art designs, Ken Sugimori. |
His, stats are good (swift and powerful) and his original in-game sprites were awesome (except from behind; his back was just a mess of pixels.) I could not wait until I had him leveled up to
Lv.17 so that he could learn Payday. It was such a sweet move.
Extra cash, what's not to like?! I would also give him a wide range of TMs that included
Swift, Thunder or Thunderbolt, Water Gun or BubbleBeam, and Toxic, just to keep things interesting. I found it strange that a normal type could be taught such a large number of moves. He is, and forever will be,
my favourite character from my first video game I ever owned.
Sorry if the links are kind of confusing. I decided to try incorporate more sources for people who want to learn more about
what it is I'm talking about in my blog, by providing them a general direction for them to start their search. Click away! Let me know what you think?
"Len-Komix is blasting off again~!!"