Sunday 15 April 2012

I made a crossword... Wanna' See?

Recently, I have undertaken a little art project for my English class.  We were put into groups and asked to come up with a lesson plan to teach the class about a romantic poet of our choice.  My partner and I decided to do our's on William Wordsworth.  The name just seemed to jump off the page when I read it, so I knew we had to pick him!  Plus, we both knew a thing or two about him, or at least remembered reading one of his poems before.
I based them off a couple of portraits I found of him after doing a Google Image search.  He was from a time long before photographs and camera were around.  This is all I had to go by.  Still, I think I have a feel for the kind of man he was.  

There was a list of things we had to do over the two classes allotted for us in teaching the class.  One of the items read...
Arg!  I messed up on Plue's hand!  (That's right, I decided to call him Plue after all.  It's short for Polarious.)
Maybe it is too soon to be saying this, but I am thinking about giving him an appearance in my comic
"Knights of Mamus'sa."  Although, I don't think that he will look like this... You'll just have to wait and see!  

As Polarious said, I thought to myself "I should do this..." and not just do it I also really wanted to do it.  And so, I did.  Here are some pieces of draft work for you to ponder about:

I made a crossword but it is not quite pieced together.  However, I can guarantee that it will posted here as soon as it is!  (Or whenever I feel it's right to... I haven't made up my mind yet.)

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