It was Thanksgiving Sunday (October 9th) when we decided to make a special trip into town to buy the 3DS. Of course that wasn't the only reason that we went to town on a usually quiet and respectful holiday, my mother had forgotten something very important that she had left at the grocery store and couldn't wait until Tuesday to make sure that it was safe. It somehow didn't feel like a typical Thanksgiving to me this year, but it is probably because my sister wasn't home to have dinner at my grandmother's this time around.
We spent a while searching around for the right place to but the thing, but in the end, we figured EB Games was our best bet. I was a little worried that they might not of had the one in red because Staples didn't have any left when my mother checked, perhaps they just didn't have any in stock, but it turned out that EB Games did and I was very glad.
I bought the system myself while my dad was out in the car. I had told him that I was just going in to check to see if they had it in red, but where they had it rate there, I decided to buy it myself. I personally think that it was better that way, for it is a great source of empowerment to know that you have gotten something so valuable to yourself on your own. The only thing was, I was 25 cents short! (Apparently I had miscalculated the cost before I left the house, but you have to admit, I was pretty close.) I stood there half-embarrassed for a couple of moments while I witnessed the numbers ringing through. "Umm... I don't quite have enough" were the only words I could manage to say. Needless to say, I was a little nervous. My next words were "My parents are just outside, do you mind?"
I was lucky that the cashier was good humored and only grind at me when I said this. "No, not at all!" was his response. It only then occurred to me as I walk out the door, I have no idea where dad parked the car! I managed to somehow spot our vehicle out and brisk-fully made my way toward it. "You got a quarter?... Thanks!" My father had the window rolled down, so the process went fairly smooth. Only a couple of moments latter was I back in the car with my long awaited prize resting on my lap. Inside, I was as glee as a hunter after getting their first catch of the season. Success!
very interesting content. Keep up the good work!