Wednesday 28 September 2011

Cucumber Alive

This past Monday, I thought I would take a break from my usual work; something that I like to do often.  It keeps my ideas feeling fresh, and helps to break units of time into comprehensible dates through my artwork.  (I can remember when I had drawn an image, better that I can with just the date alone.)  It was after I had just eaten supper, and 20 minutes gave me this:

I always enjoy doing still-life and scenery work. Who knows, you may even see me use this as reference later in my comic for when I go to do foliage...

There's kind of a story behind this as to why one of the cucumber plants, shown here, is dead and the other alive.  It is my fathers doing.  My mother said jokingly, that 'he couldn't have killed it better if he had strapped it to a pair of skis and sent it over the side of Mt.Washington', which is practically what he did when he left them on top of the slanted lid of our gardening tools' wooden storage box.  Haha! (didn't see that one coming now did we?)

As I was thinking of a title for this blog post, I couldn't help but think of that one show from my childhood, Mummies Alive, I think it was called... Gosh I miss those days when cartoons were the center of my Saturday morning rituals.  Now I can't even find the time to sit and watch even half of the ones that appear on television, nor do I even seem to want to.  I mean, some of the modern-day cartoons' pacing is terrible!  Not to say that I myself could do any better, but I would give the pacing a serious thought.  It feels as though the lead writers and story-board artists are trying to cram too much into a short, 15min episode.  It's nuts!  Even Sponge Bob has fallen ill to this new trend, don't you find?  Ah, what do I know anyway?  It's probably just my change in prospective, that's all.  I am no longer looking it over from a child's point of view, but as the view of someone who spends the vast majority of his time devoted to art.  ...I started to sound like my own grandfather there for a second.  phwoo! wouldn't want that, now, would we?!

...Bakugan is all the rage now a days, isn't it?  Man, I really need to get with the times!

Edit: Oops! So sorry guys!  I have just been informed by my mother that the plant in the second picture, titled 'alive', is actually a strawberry bush and not a thing of cucumbers.  I hope that I haven't offended anyone who is particularly sensitive about their plants... Wait? WHA-?! :S (confused face)

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