Wednesday 7 September 2011

1st Page-Done!

I am finally finished inking the first page!  I am very happy with the overall results, and am proud of myself for reaching this milestone in my pre-graduate years of high school.  I had promised myself that I would have posted at least this here by the end of summer vacation, and it looks as though I followed through and kept to my word.

Anyway, to save you from having to hear me rant about all the things I could have done differently with this, my first comics page (yay!), I would rather hear you comment about it yourselves.

Just leave a little message for me at the bottom of the page saying all of the things you either liked or disliked about this particular segment, and I will make sure to listen tentatively to what you have to say so that I can incorporate all of your thoughts and ideas into my next piece.

(*So... Much... BOARDER INKING!  It is far too cluttered for my liking. My poor hands yearn to weep!)
"Oh well, Len! Just live and learn, live and learn~"

EDIT: View my second page here!

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