Sunday 4 December 2011

Tag, You're It!

     This has been a very busy week for me, and I won't go into the specifics with what all went down like I usually do, but I will tell you that I was very tired when it came to Thursday's end ("Hurrah" for there not being any school this Friday!) and, although I am proud that I took some leadership in organizing and coordinating the grade 11 classes at my school, I do hope that I never have to do it for something so tragic as this ever again.

     Anyways, to get to the main point of things.  It is no real shocker to you all that Christmas is soon on its way, and so too are all of its corresponding festivities: Decorating, cooking and all of that 'fun stuff'.  But, what would Christmas be without its Concert Gatherings!  If you know me, you know that I am not much of a stage performer myself, or at least not as much as others from my school.  However, as you were informed in my last post (and if you haven't read it, then you should go and check it out!), I told you all that I was interested in showcasing some of my artwork at a local Christmas event, and, good news is, I got accepted!
{Hurrah for that, too!}

     It was kind of funny how it all happened, actually; I kind of got myself signed onto this on a whim.  My mother had told me about it a number of weeks back, and it really hadn't crossed my mind again until just two weeks ago.  
     I was like "Mom, do you know if they're still doing that Christmas thing at the high school this year?" 
     And her response was, "As far as I know, yes?" 
     Then I told her that I was still thinking about signing up for it and that I would like to know more about it before I went, so that I would know what to bring, how to bring it... Blah b-blah b-blah.  She told me that she would look into it for me, and come back to me when she knew more about it.  As it turned out though, when she finally did find the rest of the information online and got back to me, registration for it, she told me that morning, ended at 3 o'clock that day!  
     The rest of that my Friday was spent scrambling around my school asking teachers to recommend me, and for my mother, it was spent exchanging emails with representatives and people in charge of the program.  But, in the end, I did get accepted, and everything fine. (only now I need to scramble around trying to get things ready for the big show, December 2nd, and I only have a couple of things ready to bring!  Yeash!) 

     I will let you guys know a little bit more on it latter, but for now, I think that's good enough.  

     You are probably wondering what 'Tags' have to do with Christmas concerts, so let me explain.  In order for me to feel confident enough to let a lobby full of people probe around my site, I decided that I have a little bit of 'tidying up' to do.  I wanted to make my site more user friendly in order it to handle the mass influx of people that will be visiting it from the community, and placing Labels on all of my posts is one of the best ways I know how.  Here are the first batch of labels you will see floating around my site:
  • Comic
  • Holidays 
  • Inking/Colouring
  • Life Stories
  • Notifications/Updates
  • Pages
  • Seasons
  • Sketches
  • Thoughts
  • Video Games
     On another note, I have tons and tons of more content getting towards finished on my comic.  Some of such content includes Page 3 of my prologue to 'Knights of Mamus'sa'.  That will be heading your way real soon, once I get finished with this Christmas event of mine.  You can also expect to see some slight aesthetic changes to my website (leading up to/after) the 7th of December, so let's keep an eye out for those as well.

     Thank you for taking your time to visit my blog and I hope to see you all at Wednesday's big show! 

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